Dawn's Passion for the Martial Arts dates back 23+ years.
A black belt in Kempo Karate in 1997, after 4 years of training, she taught until 2000, at which time she moved away from Kempo on to other challanges like her Mediation Business that was started in 2002. She used a lot of what she had learned of discpline, strength and control in her business and still has that business today 16 years later. Looking to re-focus her path she had looked at several other styles and dojo's until she found the Da Po Dojo in Mississauga in 2011 where she studied under her Sensei; Jason Bassels, 5th degree Black Belt Gojo Ryu . Under Sensei Bassels she has obtained the rank of Shodan in Goju Ryu, Shodan in Kobuto. From Sensei O'Connell Dawn received her NiDan in Goju Ryu. In addition to working on her SanDan in Goju Ryu she is also working on her SanDan in Shotokan.